Frequently Asked Questions
How does Active Defender improve real-time emergency response in schools?
We ensure that no person is ever left in the dark when they hear an emergency alarm. For 50+ years teachers continue to participate in fire drills, and other emergency drills, while never knowing the location of the danger.
Picture this:
During car-line, a teacher on the other side of the campus reports a dangerous situation. The car-line staff hears the alert, but they have no way of knowing which way to go or what to do to be safe.
But now imagine:
On any smart board, chromebook, computer, or even on the mobile device of anyone in the car-line or anywhere else, they see a live emergency map – showing what’s happening, where the danger is and where it’s safe to go.
Active Defender isn’t just an alert – it’s an interactive system. Staff can use it to report their status, indicate their location, and receive up-to-date information. It’s like having a real time roadmap to safety that everyone can see, and contribute to.
Ensure everyone knows exactly what to do and where to go during an emergency.
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What makes Active Defender different from other school safety systems?
[See It in Action].
How can Active Defender fit into our current safety protocols?
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How affordable is Active Defender for our school?
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